Monday, June 23, 2008

I would like tomatoes.

Tomato Heart

I hate tomatoes. This fact is starting to make my life very difficult. I bet Tina likes tomatoes, because that would make her food choices a lot less anxiety ridden than mine.

Are tomatoes taking over the world? They seem to be involved with almost every food dish in existence. I put butter on my spaghetti, I don't put ketchup on hot dogs, and I don't put tomato on my BLTs(but still call them BLTs). If there was a fight between a tomato and any other vegetable(even the formidable eggplant), the tomato would undoubtedly win. That's why I can't escape them, survival of the fittest.

They repulse me. Them and all their by-products. Yes, I'm talking to you ketchup, sauce, and soup. Stop trying to conquer my meals.

Oh, and yes, I called them a vegetable. Nothing that annoying can be considered a fruit in my opinion. Fruits are precious.

So if you like tomatoes good for you. Your life is marginally less complicated than mine.

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