Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I would be friends with Amish.

Full House

Actually, Tina probably wouldn't be friends with an Amish person. She's a little too spicy and combative. Her personality would clash with the peaceful Amish demeanor. However, if she really wanted to have everything that I want, she would be.

My family has gone to Lancaster County, PA every summer since I was about 4 years old. In the almost twenty years that I've visited this Amish rich community, I've come to get to know quite a bit about the Amish culture. You might call it an obsession even, and I'm proud of it.

Specifically, I remember when I was about sixteen and eating breakfast at a smorgasbord with my family, I saw an Amish boy(about my age) and his father eating across the room. He was a very hunky looking Amish boy. I fell in love with the Amish community at once, and dreamed of the day that we would be married and have a dozen little Amish babies. I would spend all of my time cooking, cleaning, sewing, and popping out babies. It would be a dream come true. If only they used electricity.

Reality hit, and I came to the realization that I am far too high-maintenance to ever live their lifestyle. If I'm too high-maintenance, Tina surely would be. Then again, I do believe she disappeared while I was on the hippo ride at Dutch Wonderland...

P.S. Hunky Amish boy, if you decided to leave the Amish culture during Rumspringa, I'm here, and single.

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